
When a website is visited, that site may write a cookie (a small computer file) to the computer that is visiting the site. Depending on the individual website, the cookie may store an array of information about the actions performed during the site visit.
One of the ideas behind the use of cookies is to enhance the visitor’s experience next time they visit – for example, you may not have to enter a user name, address etc. on subsequent visits made from the same computer. In this way, the website being visited may also be able to determine when the site was last visited, for how long, etc.

You can stop your browser accepting cookies, or stop it accepting cookies from a particular website. Settings will typically be found in the 'options' or 'preferences' menu of your browser. In order to understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, otherwise you should use the 'Help' option in your browser for more details.

This website uses cookies only for authetication purpose, that means the cookie is stored only when you log in.

Cookies can be used with profiling, statistical o advertising purposes in the following cases:


Morresi Law Office — Avv. Renzo Maria Morresi, sede in Bologna (BO), CAP 40125, Via Dante, 19
P.IVA 01722251202 - C.F. MRR RZM 52A25 F259G - Polizza r.c. professionale AIG n. IFL 0001993.1049 - Broker Teikos S.r.l.
sito web realizzato da Videoarts Webdesign di Fabio Mosti - cookies usage